In real life Pocahontas was treated like a savage by the Jamestown settlers after Smith left because he got shot and ended up dieying. So Pocahontas ended up marring a noble rich man and became a well respected lady who had a long life till she died at the age of 35.
If you are talking about the Disney version let me know. :3
first religions worshiped multiple gods
The space suit
Though the first man stepped on the moon in 1969, in the 1930s astronomers and physicists were already planning for the voyage to outer space. Emilio Herrera Linares, a Spanish military colonel, is credited with being the first to design a pressurised suit which was used in a high-altitude balloon flight in 1936.
The modern mop
While the mop isn’t the most glamorous of inventions, it certainly is one of the most useful. People had been using rags to wash floors since the 15th century but it was in the 1960s that the engineer Manuel Jalón Corominas had the idea to create a purpose-built mop with a bucket to ring the water out in.
that's just a few ^_^!!!
Among the 12th and 15th centuries, the European economy was transformed by the interconnecting of river and sea trade routes, producing Europe to become one of the world's most wealthy trading networks. Before the 12th century, the main obstacle to trade east of the Strait of Gibraltar was the absence of commercial incentive rather than inadequate ship design.
Many lands previous unfamiliar to Europeans were discovered by them during this period, though most were already populated. European overseas exploration directed to the advance of global trade and the European colonial empires, with the contact between the Old World (Europe, Asia, and Africa) and the New World (the Americas and Australia).
To sum up, The wealth that could be made through trade was the major motive for the European exploration between 1400 and 1800, letter A.