Four thousand two hundred ninety-three
The central thought (now and then called the proposal) states in one sentence what the discourse is around. You'll utilize your specific-purpose explanation to assist you compose your central idea.
The tone the creator employments to display data influences the meaning of the content. Per-users can sense the author's tone by taking note the emotions or contemplation's they have based on how the creator presents the information.
The first article is about the promotion of a lady from Seattle to an important position at a private company. The fact that the article begins by the sentence “the news is out!” implies up front that it is an important event for its readers and that apparently this lady is an influential and respected member of the community and that this promotion is beneficial for it and for the lady herself.
The second article is obviously a news report on a police investigation. It starts with the mention of “two witnesses”, implying that they were witnesses to a crime, which is confirmed immediately after the opening line. The crime itself has a name (Grand Forks robbery) which demonstrates that the crime was a serious and had dramatic repercussions for the community where it occurred. Even the police official who is interviewed by the press holds an important rank which further underscores the gravity of the offense.
The correct answer is A, hope that helps you out.