I work for a newspaper and I go places to find out what happened
Je travaille dans un journal et je vais dans des endroits pour trouver ce qui s'est passé
je suis le journaliste-reporter
It's an English noun, but that's how it's said in French ...
Chroniqueur is different... something like columnist, chronicle but, however, it might be what you're looking for, for small news, not important ones
envoyé spécial = is when you go in special countries to cover events for a long time...
Here's what it saids Translated:
<span>This is my family in the picture. There, to the right is me Vincent, I'm fourteen. My father's father is called Roger. He is seventy-seven years old. He is friendly and funny. He likes to sing and dance. He lives in Paris with my father's mother. She's called Andree and she's sixty-nine. She is severe and selfish. On the left is the daughter of Andree. Her name is Martine. She's forty-three. I love Martine, she is funny and nice. She likes to play tennis with her nephew and niece Pascale. Pascale is twelve years old. She is small and pretty. She does not like to eat in restaurants. It is my family!</span>
<em>Do you need a translation ??</em>
<em />
Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne vas pas au café ?
Why aren't you going to the "café" ?
Parce que je vais travailler.
Because I'm going to work.
ALLER présent
je vais
tu vas
il/elle/on va
nous allons
vous allez
ils/elles vont