D a cheerful attfrwed recovery
I believe that the best answer to this question would be a tragedy. However, there may be more than one genre that accomplishes this goal. A tragedy is, specifically, a form of drama. It, "treats in a serious and dignified style the sorrowful or terrible events encountered or caused by a heroic individual" (this is the definition given in Encyclopedia Britannica.) A tragedy most definitely depicts the flaws in human nature.
Jesus taught his disciples that they needed to love and forgive each other.
I have found interpunction mistakes in lines:
- in ''Something, or somebody I know is worth my time'' There should be no comma interpunction after ''Something''.
- ''When you're broken down, and have the same pain you've felt a thousand times.'' There should be no comma after ''Down''.
Also, another mistake that I have found is in:
- ''Who does good, loves, and never ever lies.'' The mistake here is in ''never ever''. There should be no ''ever'' word because ''never ever'' is creating a tautology.