the number order is
I am sure it is correct. Thanks :)
Nothing will be printed
You can easily find out that FL is not a member of the Dictionary. And we are checking these in the if. Since the if condition ends up being false, the further process will not run as they will only if the condition ends up being true. Hence, nothing will be printed.
Remember, del is used to delete a dictionary item. If this would have been a true condition for if then the FL item in the dictionary would have been deleted as it, in that case, would have been present there. And then the next line would have again added the FL item, and print would have printed the dictionary items with FL item as well. However, since if the condition is ending up being false, nothing will be printed.
If cities['FL'] and print is outside if then
the output will be
{'FL': 'Tallahassee', 'GA': 'Atlanta', 'NY': 'Albany', 'CA': 'San Diego'}
In Microsoft Outlook, there are differences between appointment and event. Appointment is defined as <em>an activity that you schedule in your calendar which does not involve other people.</em> Appointments can be scheduled to a certain duration in a day. Event is defined as <em>an activity that you do with other people which lasts from 24 hours to longer. </em>
Thus, from these descriptions, the best answer to the question is (C) appointments have a start and end time of day, and events do not.