2. It has personification
Ummmmm okay? Do you not have a question or smth
When Odysseus goes to inspect the cave that he later learns belongs to the Cyclops, Polyphemus, he brings with him a goat skin bottle of dark wine that was given to him by Maron.
Odysseus does not agree with the men stealing food from the cyclops Polyphemus's cave not because he believes it is a moral wrong, but because he believes that if the men meet Polyphemus and request shelter, the cyclops will offer shelter and a valuable gift, as is the social and religious expectation in Odysseus's world.
In the end Odysseus’s men were correct and Odysseus’s plan goes completely awry when Polyphemus appears and attacks and eats some of Odysseus's men. Polyphemus does not observe the social norm of hospitality, as he does not believe himself to be subservient to the gods, such as Zeus, who favor humans who observe hospitality. However Odysseus manages to blind Polyphemus and escapes the island with the remainder of his men. Odysseus let his overconfidence overshadow the cautious suggestion of the men to sneak off with the food from Polyphemus's cave.
There is no period at the end of the sentence
1) Hesiod (750 BC)
2) Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC)
3) Dante Alighieri (1265 AD - 1321 AD)
4) Christopher Marlowe (1564 AD - 1593 AD)
5) William Shakespeare (1564 AD - 1616 AD)
Although Shakespeare and Marlowe were born in the same year, Marlowe died first and Shakespeare continued his literature production. Some think that Marlowe faked his death and changed his name to Shakespeare.
Pastoral poetry is characterized by idealizing rural life and landscapes, it presents society of shepard untied to concerns of city life.