The Founding Fathers created the U.S. government to have numerous checks and balances as well as a VERY limited central (federal) government. They did this to prevent a relapse of the tyranny (hence “absolute power”) they dealt with under the British Empire. The American colonies were essentially meant to serve the mother nation (Britain), but the colonists braved the journey to America to establish a new, freer nation with religious freedom as its top priority.
To prove this quote is still relevant today, it’s not unknown that when humans acquire power, it’s very easy for them to abuse that power. Examples of this would be the oligarchies we see in Russia and China with a very small amount of people in power living in a lap of luxury while everyone else lives a subpar life.
Here's a (very) brief summary of the fall of the Aztec empire, after the arrival of Hernando Cortes until the fall of Tenochtitlán (read a biography of Hernan Cortez here):
1519 (March 4): The Spaniards land in what is now Veracruz. The natives greet him with gifts. A contingent from Tenochtitlán also arrives with gifts. Cortes showed force and demonstrated his canons, terrifying the messengers.
Cortes sinks all the ships except one small vessel, and moves to the city-state of Tlaxcala. Generally speaking they begin on friendly terms.
The Spanish went on to Cholula. It's unclear what happened, but in the end many people in the city were killed by the Spanish. Read more about Cholula here.
1519 (Nov 8): Cortes and army arrives at Tenochtitlán, and begin on good terms. However, Cortes takes charge and demands tribute and some Roman Catholic shrines to replace the Aztec gods.
Cortes returns to the coast to defeat a rival Spanish army. The remaining soldiers join him.
The Aztecs revolt, driving the Spanish from the city. Cuitláhuac becomes emperor.
The Spanish go to Tlaxcala and make an alliance with them.
Most Aztec cities are conquered, and a siege of Tenochtitlán begins.
1521 (13 August): The last Aztec emperor, Cuauhtémoc, surrenders to Cortes.
A new strategy used against Hitler in which he Western democracies would give into the demands of an aggressor in order to keep the peace.
British - no desire to fight anyone
France - demoralized and had political division
Theory by Darwin.
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller remembered as the rich men who owned larger companies. Both supported the theory of social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is a theory related to the survival of the fittest in society. The theory given by Charles Darwin, which points to evolution. Wealth is in the hands of a few people due to economic struggle. Money ends up remaining in the hands of those who grow their wealth by using their skill and strength.
All of the other answers are true. Sorry i don't know how else to explain it