i wish i knew the answer to this. the world is unperfect as well as the people in it. you cant change anyone, but always be the change that you want to se in the world. always treat others the way you want to be treated
Recent scientific evidence suggests that during the starving time, the residents of the Jamestown Colony resorted to cannibalism, that is, the eating of dead humans.
Eventually, the growing of tobacco took and Jamestown was able to take hold as a successful colony but during the starving time, Jamestown went from 500 colonists to 60.
Byzantines believed that their emperor should represent Jesus Christ on earth.
In the 16th century, most European countries were busy burning heretics to what they had decreed to be the true religion. There were two exceptions, Portugal and Spain, that were busy discovering new continents.
I doubt most countries had much time left to burn witches.