Threatened is the definition used when describing a species at risk of extinction
I believe the correct answer is D. React to stimuli from outside the body.
Hormones are types of proteins that produce responses hand in hand with neurons but they are much slower and longer lasting. They can act on the same cells and in that instance they will be called autocrine hormones. Those that act on neighbouring cells are called paracrine hormones while those that act on far away cells are called endocrine hormones.
<h2>Further Explanation:</h2><h3>a. Initiate behavior and reproduction:</h3>
This is a function of hormone(s). Hormones such as testosterone can initiate both behavior of an organism and also stimulate reproduction. Testosterone causes maturation of sex features and sperms in males to initiate reproduction. Other hormones with such functions include: Estrogen and adrenaline.
<h3>b. Coordinate the production and use of energy:</h3>
Some hormones conduct this function by regulation metabolism in the body. These include: Insulin in intake of glucose for energy and glucagon in maintaining blood glucose levels. Corticosterone also responds in stress to maintain energy.
<h3>c. Maintain nutrition and metabolism:</h3>
Nutrition can be maintained by hormones such as ghrelin that stimulates appetite, insulin in intake of glucose, leptin and glucagon.
<h3>d. React to stimuli from outside the body</h3>
This is not a function of a hormone but rather the function of a neuron. Neurons have specific structures called denrites that recieve signals/stimuli from outside the body then convert them to nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain which produces another impulse to be taken to a specific site to produce a desired response.
Level: High Schoo;
Plants produce<span> flowers to make </span>seeds<span>.</span>
The diagram can be improved by:
Red blood cells (carrying oxygen)
Organs (like stomach and liver etc) from where carbon
is taken and oxygen is supplied
RBC's carrying Carbon dioxide to the lungs
The component which is missing in the diagram are the organs where exchange of gases occurs. The red blood cells carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to all parts of the body and carries the wast carbon dioxide gas from them back to the lungs. The carbon dioxide is then exhaled by the lungs.
No that is just, no just no. DNA is copied through cell reproduction where a cell splits to create more (growing for multi called organisms and asexual reproduction for single celled organisms) The mitochondria is an organelle that is the "power house" of the cell, the "digestive system".