The nuclear receptor superfamily comprises a large group of transcription factors that play a key regulatory role in development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms. A special feature of nuclear receptors is their ability to bind to condensed chromatin templates, which makes them important initiators of gene transcription. Moreover, the ability of nuclear receptors to sequentially recruit a variety of transcription factors and coregulators to target promoters and to orchestrate the whole process of gene transcription confirms their biological significance and stimulates intensive research and a high level of scientific interest in this field. In this review, we summarise current knowledge regarding the structure and function of nuclear receptors as principal regulators of gene expression. Emphasis is given to the molecular mechanisms of nuclear receptor-mediated transcriptional activation and repression including recent progress made in this area.
. Humans re-shape their environment, putting pressure on other species.
Answer: Between 8 and 14
Explanation: Ammonia is an inorganic compound of formula NH₃. Also known as ammonium hydroxide, it behaves as a weak base.
pHydrion paper is a chemical test indicator, i.e., it indicates the pH of a substance.
If inserted in Ammonia, pHydrion will indicate a range of 8 to 14 because in pH scale, indication of base is over 8 and up to 14. The exact number depends on the hydrogen ion concentration of the substance.
Las técnicas moleculares, especialmente aquellas basadas en la manipulación del material genético, permitieron automatizar el proceso de identificación y clasificación de especies
Las técnicas moleculares usadas para la clasificación de organismos son aquellas principalmente relacionadas a la manipulación de su material genético. En especial, las técnicas de extracción de ADN, amplificación mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) y posterior secuenciación han posibilitado automatizar el proceso de clasificación de organismos. Los marcadores moleculares de ADN basados en secuencias génicas evolutivamente conservadas tales como, por ejemplo, la secuencia del gen Citocromo Oxidasa I (COI) en animales, son ampliamente usados para automatizar este proceso de identificación y clasificación de nuevas especies.
The organisms belonging to phylum Nematoda are roundworms