There’s a saying in brain science based on the work of Donald Hebb: neurons that fire together, wire together. The more they fire together, the more they wire together. In essence, you develop psychological resources by having sustained and repeated experiences of them that are turned into durable changes in your brain. You become more grateful, confident, or determined by repeatedly installing experiences of gratitude, confidence, or determination. Similarly, you center yourself increasingly in the Responsive, green zone – with an underlying sense of peace, contentment, and love – by having and internalizing many experiences of safety, satisfaction, and connection.
A) Fear appeals to the desire to be safe. To clarify, appeal to fear means presenting alternatives, one of which causes fear in order to force the person to choose what you would like them to choose.
B) False Dichotomy gives two choices, one of which is not truly an option. In false dichotomy, the alternatives do not exclude each other. They overlap, which means the person isn't really presented with a real opportunity to choose.
C) Slippery slope claims that one action leads to a series of undesirable events. This fallacy suggests that an insignificant first event might lead to another event, that might lead to yet another one and so on until, ultimately, a grand or disastrous event would happen in consequence of that first, small one.
D) Popularity claims something is true because most people agree. This fallacy basically states that, if everyone is doing it, then it's because it is the right thing to be done.
E) Post Hoc incorrectly assumes that one event causes another. This fallacy assumes that temporal succession establishes a connection between events. That is, if this event came after that one, it must be its consequence.
Elie Wiesel's literary work prompted one reviewer to recall Isaac Bashevis Singer's definition of Jews as "a people who can't sleep themselves and let nobody else sleep," and to predict, "While Elie Wiesel lives and writes, there will be no rest for the wicked, the uncaring or anyone else." [1<span>] If uneasiness is the result of Wiesel's work, it is not a totally unintended result. Since the publication of </span>Night<span> in 1958, Wiesel, a Jewish survivor of the Nazi death camps, has borne a persistent, excruciating literary witness to the Holocaust. His works of fiction and non-fiction, his speeches and stories have each had the same intent: to hold the conscience of Jew and non-Jew (and, he would say, even the conscience of God) in a relentless focus on the horror of the Holocaust and to make this, the worst of all evils, impossible to forget.</span>
Wiesel refuses to allow himself or his readers to forget the Holocaust because, as a survivor, he has assumed the role of messenger. It is his duty to witness as a "messenger of the dead among the living," [2] and to prevent the evil of the victims' destruction from being increased by being forgotten. But he does not continue to retell the tales of the dead only to make life miserable for the living, or even to insure that such an atrocity will not happen again. Rather, Elie Wiesel is motivated by a need to wrestle theologically with the Holocaust.
The grim reality of the annihilation of six million Jews presents a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to further theological thought: how is it possible to believe in God after what happened? The sum of Wiesel's work is a passionate effort to break through this barrier to new understanding and faith. It is to his credit that he is unwilling to retreat into easy atheism, just as he refuses to bury his head in the sand of optimistic faith. What Wiesel calls for is a fierce, defiant struggle with the Holocaust, and his work tackles a harder question: how is it possible not to believe in God after what happened? [3]
Which of the following is true whether you use a direct
quote or an indirect quote?
The only true whether to use a direct quote or an
indirect quote is that ‘You must use quotation marks to indicate the evidence.’
The answer is letter A.
because you can answer the question. "what was he surprised at?" at the ease