A legislative branch was proposed by the Virginia Plan and this was a Bicameral legislature consisting of two chambers. Three branches were involved in this plan namely Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
- This plan is mainly notable for its role in setting an overall agenda and also for setting the idea of Population-weighted representation.
- Along with the New Jersey plan, this plan existed to support small state's interests.
- The scope of resolutions succeeded in broadening the debate for encompassing fundamental values to the structure and powers of the national government.
- The main principles stated that "Each of the states would be represented to the number of free inhabitants. This resulted in the states with a large population having more representatives than the smaller states".
- The legislative branch would have the power to veto state laws if the states were deemed incompetent was a proposal put by the Virginia Plan.
I would prefer more context, but I believe the answer to be 'Christianity'.
Local, state, and federal government all play a role in making sure education is provided.