After the song, Wealhtheow, Hrothgar 's queen, offers the gold mead cup to Hrothgar and tells him to be generous to Beowulf and the other Geats. She then turns to her nephew Hrothulf and her sons Hrethic and Hrothmund, who are sitting next to Beowulf.She reminds her nephew that Hrothgar took him in when he was a child, and says she knows Hrothulf will repay her sons well.
I must always obey to my parents.
I mustn't steal anything from anyone.
Romeo is saying it's a lark and that means it is morning so he must leave or be killed. After they argue it that way, they switch sides. He doesn't want to leave because he loves her more than life. She wants him to leave because she can't bear to have him killed.(Basically it's D, dear)
Pathos: emotional appeal
Logos: logical appeal
Ethos: Connection between pathos and logos to cause credibility.
In chapter 10 Douglas establishes a connection with the reader through the use of emotions implicit in the pathos appeal proposed by the philosopher Aristotle.
According to this literary style used by the author, it is possible to establish a connection that leads the reader to understand the process of transition between the slave man to the free man, this process takes place during a situation that uses the logos appeal in its logic for its development, and it is this connection that presents credibility between the writer and his audience, that is to say the Ethos.
His main idea was to persuade the audience of the atrocities of slavery and that it should be abolished, so through his language eloquently paints a scenario that connects the emotions of the reader taking it to the persuasion of his main idea.