You cannot let the last sentence go without saying something about the nature of the officers. They are chosen almost without logic or experience. They chatter endlessly about battle plans which a seasoned soldier would be hesistant to do. A seasoned soldier would wait until given orders from his commanding officer. Only then would he comment, and likely not something the officer would want to hear.
These new commanders are decked out in fine cloth. Ever watch baseball? Who do you think has seen more of the game: the player who is clean and spiffy or the base warrior who has dirt all over his uniform and grit on his face. The clean, rich clothing screams of inexperience.
I have only 1/2 dragged out every detail that suggests inexperience. Stick with the last sentence. It is rich in detail that you can use.
I like the first sentence. No military trainer would let his training be so ineffective that those under him would feel the weight of their rifles. He'd march them and drill them until all they could think about was sleep. Besides, they were peaceful people willing to live on the small wage they were paid.
Answer: first and and last sentence.