Designed to explore new directions in poetic language and style, and move away from the formal and highly stylized literature of the eighteenth century.
Short Answer: A
A really super writer could get away with putting the thesis statement in the conclusion of a paragraph piece. But present day English Departments have become very rigid about where the thesis is.
It is always in the introduction. The idea is that you have to guide your reader to the arguments that follow in the paragraphs to come between the introduction and the conclusion.
All the planets have atmospheres, are made of rock of gas, and some have moons or rings.
Not all planets have moons and rings, they all have atmospheres.
The answer is complix
a complix sentece has two independent clauses joined to one or more dependent clauses.
Have a nice day
because this point of view is the one that makes you feel like you are the reader in that moment when it's happening at that time