Minimalism emerged in New York in the early 1960s among artists who were self-consciously renouncing recent art they thought had become stale and academic. A wave of new influences and rediscovered styles led younger artists to question conventional boundaries between various media
manefestation is a kind of magic .
Manufacturers try to locate their factors as close as possible to their inputs and markets to cut transportation cost. Other issues could be the availability of raw material, land, water, labor, power, capital, transport, and market. Examples of these manufacturers and/or industries would be the market for construction workers or “factor markets”. Industries and/or companies such as McDonald’s and other fast food chain, rely on these factor markets for materials to continue to expand and increase the economic growth and success.
B. Weighted GPA
You see the unweighted is considered the college GPA and removes all AP, IB, or Honors clasess and puts all college applicants on the same level, cumulative GPA is wrong and doesn't make any sense with relation to the question, and the semester GPA wouldn't technically include the extra 10 points that these classes give.