maya Angelou had to overcome being a victim of se!ual assault. Maya Angelous mothers boyfriend r!aped her and he had told her if she tells anyone he will kill her brother. she told her brother anyway and after that a group of men found her mothers boyfriend and killed him. this left maya thinking that her words caused someone to die. she became silent and wouldn't talk or interact with anyone. a short while after mayas teacher guided her and assured her that it was not her fault. Maya then started to speak up and began to heal from that incident. not only did she overcome this challenge, she also inspired others and helped other victims of r!ape.
It ensures that criminals will be strictly punished for violating the law.
The Southern states have been conquered and should be punished for their actions. A few Republicans voted not guilty to stop a possible imbalance in the three branches.
The correct answer is all of the above (D). Under Roosevelt's presidency a series of economic, political and social reforms took place, as part of his New Deal and Second New Deal plans, which were aimed at putting an end to the Great Depression. For instance, he reformed the financial system to protect savers' funds, provided jobs for the unemployed and signed the Social Security Act (1935), which granted benefits - such as health insurance and financial assistance - to unemployed, elderly, and disavantadged American citizens (widows and their children, as well as disabled people, among others).
Baba Ramchandra led the peasant movement in Awadh. He was a sanyasi, who had earlier been to Fiji as an indentured labourer. He started the movement against talukdars and landlords, who demanded high rent and taxes from the peasants.