It highlighted the sectional issues that divided the nation.
It put an end to the debate over states' rights.
The “nullification crisis” challenged the federal government's right to impose its own laws. A war was imminent.
These tariffs had been established to protect factories in the northern states against foreign competition. Southern farmers thought this was unfair.
Andrew Jackson, the president of the United States, issued a proclamation in which he warned that South Carolina's rejection of federal tariffs was an act of rebellion that could end in bloodshed. South Carolina responded promptly in preparation for war.
Slavery was different in the new world since they were not treated as people but as animals and in his home country he knew how slavery worked and how slaves were actually treated as people. He would be a slave at his own home gladly compared to this because he sees the horror around him and the way that the white people are intimidating and completely different from anything he had ever seen.
Hitler's blunders contributed to the allied victory; ex, withholding the Panzer reserves away from local control of Rommel prior to the Normandy invasions. His stance of not retreating, led to the debacle of the Falaise pocket which destroyed many of his best divisions in the west, among them the 12th SS, Panzer Lehr, and others. Hope this helps.
The legend of Cibola was particularly important to the Spanish exploration of Texas, because it provided explorers with the necessary motivation to lead those explorations.
According to legend, Cibola was a city that had enormous amounts of gold. In this city, everyone was rich and roads and buildings were made of this precious metal. This interested the Spanish explorers greatly, as one of their main goals was to become rich. As they engaged in the mission of discovering this city, they were forced to travel the area of what is now Texas, leading to its discovery and exploration.