The correct answer is C. Self-conscious with a spikey haircut, the student looked at the floor while her teacher talked.
Words such as "self-conscious" or " with a spikey haircut" are modifiers because they describe a noun, in this case, the student. Moreover, these modifiers should be placed right before the noun describe to make clear which is the person or object described. Otherwise, the meaning would be unclear and even confusing. For example, in "looked at the floor with a spikey haircut" it is suggested the one with the haircut is the floor, which is illogical. In this context, the best option is C because in this, the modifiers are placed right before the word "student" and this clarifies the one that is self-conscious and has a spikey haircut is the student.
Dehumanization is the denial of full humanness in others and the cruelty and suffering that accompanies it. viewing and treatment of other persons as though they lack the mental capacities that are commonly attributed to human beings.
The personification is: “deathly oppressive silence hangs over the house and clings to me as if it were going to drag me into the deepest regions of the underworld”
The extended metaphor is the line from “I wonder from room to room” to “a voice within me cries”, so the last 7 lines (sorry I didn’t feel like writing the quote out).
Anne is forced to stay in the house/attic every day to avoid being discovered. The attic itself is cramped and stuffy, especially with the 8 other people living there. She feels like a caged animal (a caged songbird in this case) because she is never allowed into the outside world.
ok byuvhbgvjhbghvbh thanks for the points