Most of the organization suffers from InfoObesity, i.e., too much data without the proper holding structure for this.
Business intelligence abbreviated as BI plays a major role in the determining the planning strategies of an organizations and serves multiple purposes which includes measurement of performance towards business objectives, quantitative analysis, data reporting and sharing, etc.
BI systems helps in eliminating InfoObesity, by manging the data and filtration of the data with proper data structure to serve specific purposes.
If we do not attend to stimuli, then we cannot perceive stimuli; thus attention is a critical factor in the process of perception. Receiving and attending to stimuli is the first stage in perception. Once we collect stimulus information from the senses, we have to try to make sense of it. This is called organization.
Answer: genis view headset view
The following code is written in Java and it simply creates the 2-Dimensional int array with the data provided and then uses the Arrays class to easily print the entire array's data in each layer.
import java.util.Arrays;
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] arr = {{16, 17, 14}, {17, 18, 17}, {15, 17, 14}};
System.out.print(Arrays./*Remove this because brainly detects as swearword*/deepToString(arr));
The button is located on the left side of the gear shift right under the main shift button