I learned about this last unit and if I have it correct, Mao wanted to get the peasants to side with him to defeat the Japanese invaders, so the communists gave benefits to the peasants
The Presidency of Bill Clinton Quick Check
1). D & E
2). B
3). A
4). A
In Western Europe, the war was largely a stalemate as a result of extensive trench warfare that gave the defenders a massive advantage during battles. In Russia, however, the monarchy was overthrown by rebels, who then negotiated peace and surrendered large chunks of land to the Germans, allowing them to concentrate all their troops and resources to the Western Front.
Having weathered this crisis, Necker continued to serve the monarchy until September 1790, when he resigned his position and retired to a château in Switzerland. He died there on April 9, 1804.
1) McArthurs: If McArthur attacked and finished off NK, sure we might have heightened the Cold War, but the USSR (now russia) wouldn't have attacked us back with nukes. We might have been able to take out communism from the Koreas.
coming back into present day, we wouldn't have a puny country trying to make nuclear missiles to shoot at us and having propaganda about how bad america is. If McArthur had his way, Korea may not be the way it is now
(but then that was how fate wanted it)
hope this helps