The answer is Software as a Service (SaaS).
SaaS is one of the 3 main categories of cloud computing. In SaaS, a 3rd party provider hosts applications and make them available to customers over the internet. It removes the need for businesses to install and run applications on their own data centers or computers. It also eliminates the expense of hardware acquisition and maintenance, as well as software installation and support.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int responses[30],count[6];
int score = 0;
string resp = " ";
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
responses[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
while ((resp != "Y") && (resp != "y"))
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
while ((score > 5) || (score < 1))
cout << "Student " << (i+1)<< " please enter a value (1-5):";
cin >> score;
responses[i] = score;
if((score > 5)||(score<1))
if(score==1) count[1]++;
if(score==2) count[2]++;
if(score==3) count[3]++;
if(score==4) count[4]++;
if(score==5) count[5]++;
score = 0;
cout<< "Response Frequency Percentage"<<endl;;
cout<< " 1 "<<count[1]<<" "<<(count[1]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 2 "<<count[2]<<" "<<(count[2]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 3 "<<count[3]<<" "<<(count[3]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 4 "<<count[4]<<" "<<(count[4]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 5 "<<count[5]<<" "<<(count[5]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< "Do you want to exit? Press Y to exit any other key to continue: ";
cin>> resp;
return 0;
A neuromorphic computer is a machine comprising many simple processors / memory structures (e.g. neurons and synapses) communicating using simple messages (e.g. spikes). ... Neuromorphic computing systems excel at computing complex dynamics using a small set of computational primitives (neurons, synapses, spikes).
The structure of neuromorphic computers makes them much more efficient at training and running neural networks. They can run AI models at a faster speed than equivalent CPUs and GPUs while consuming less power. This is important since power consumption is already one of AI's essential challenges.
If you find something embarrassing, its more likely that other people with also think its embarrassing. All the other points are on the internet right now. Amazon sells things, News show information and there are political campaigns to show you there offers