If the US lost the American revolution, I'd think you would end up seeing a similar relationship that the UK had with Canada, Australia, etc.
The immediate consequences would have resulted in the founding fathers executions or imprisonment. Some like Franklin, who were seen as more worldly may have kept their freedom but overall all those guys probably would be done as political actors. The British would have made the colonies pay for much of the cost of the war and the continued stationing of massive amounts of solders.
Over time the British would have probably continued to expand their control over the lands between the Appalachians and the Mississippi, resulting in a series of further colonies. Many of these colonies would be simple expansions of already existing colonies like New York, Pennsylvania and Virgina. I believe all three had claims to lands West of the Appalachians, claims that had to be dealt with and truncated in the new America, but may have been left alone in a 19th century British colonial America.
Charlemagne instituted principles for accounting practice by means of the Capitulare de Villas of 802, which laid down strict rules for the way in which incomes and expenses were to be recorded. Early in Charlemagne's rule he tacitly allowed the Jews to monopolize money lending.
The correct answer is B: The Declaration of Independence, The Gettysburg Address, and The Seneca Falls Declaration.
One of the most important rules to the Native Americans was that land was to be used by tribes regardless of whether or not it was "worked" in the traditional European sense. This led to great conflict with the Europeans, who thought the Natives weren't entitled to the land if they did farm on it.
Overruled the French monarchy