social contrast or government intervention
He treated all his subjects alike and opened a large number of schools and colleges for Muslims as well as for Hindus throughout his empire. He also introduced a few curricular changes, based on students' individual needs and the practical necessities of life.
B.) Second Great Awakening
Garrison was born during the Second Great Awakening in New England and he grew up surrounded by its ideals
(I know this is late, but I hope it helps someone!)
"शिक्षा और रोजगार दोनों एक दूसरे के पूरक है इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए" means "Write your thoughts on the subject that both education and employment complement each other"
"Education prepares you for employment so you can perform the duties that job requires. Then, that employment gives you experience that is like education, which makes it possible to get employment at a higher level. Education and employment are locked together, giving us the opportunity to learn and grow, until we reach our potential" or "शिक्षा आपरोजगार के लिए तैयार करता है ताकि आप कर्तव्यों है कि नौकरी की आवश्यकता है प्रदर्शन कर सकते हैं । फिर वह रोजगार आपको शिक्षा की तरह अनुभव देता है, जिससे उच्च स्तर पर रोजगार मिलना संभव हो जाता है। शिक्षा और रोजगार एक साथ बंद कर रहे हैं, हमें जानने के लिए और बढ़ने का अवसर दे रही है, जब तक हम अपनी क्षमता तक पहुंचने "
Briannalane120 Ambitious
“The absolute correct answer-
Gods and goddesses could turn themselves and mortals intoanimals. Gods turned people into animals to punish them. Also,shapeshiFting could be caused by a spell/or curse.”