Race” refers to physical differences that groups and cultures consider socially significant, while “ethnicity” refers to shared culture, such as language, ancestry, practices, and beliefs.
Are the correct answers
They were located by water is the correct answer.
Let us take this slowly by considering a bicycle. You are given 1 bicycle and you wish to sell it. 4 people are interested and think your price is fair.
so the supply is 1 bicycle
and the demand is 4 people
If those people are want the bicycle equally, what do you think could happen to the price of the bicycle? Shouldn't it go up? Especially if they are all willing to make side deals.
Supply: 1 bicycle
Demand: 4 people
Price goes up.
Now go back.
Suppose you have 10 bicycles and only 8 people are bidding on them. They are not really that interested. So you have to lower the price until someone bites.
Supply: 10 bicycles
Demand: 8 people.
Price goes down. The supply exceeds the demand.
excluding or limiting the military and economic influence of European powers, territorial expansion, and encouraging American commerce.