205.2 square feet
Convert 90% to a decimal. You get .9 Multiply 228 by .9 to find what 90% of 228 is. You should get 205.2.
It would be 37’000 because 20% of 185000 is 37’000 which you get by 20 x 185000 and dividing the answer to 100.
let's recall the vertical line test, it's a function if when dropping a vertical line on the graph, it only touches it once on the way down.
Check the picture below.
6 1/3
Step-by-step explanation:
3 times what equals 19 can be in the form of an equation as shown below. It shows that the value we are finding for is unknown, therefore it is a variable. A variable is the unknown value in an equation.
Equation: 3x = 19
With the equation in hand, we can now solve the problem easily.
3x = 19
Carry the 3 to the 19(Carry over the like terms across leaving the variable or the unknown)
x = 19÷3
x = 6.33333 or 6 1/3
To check if the answer was correct:
3 × 6 1/3 = 19
You regain the answer <em>19</em>
Write the conjugates of them then FOIL both the top and bottom, then factor