Kublai Khan His term was the fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire
From wiki - <em>Kublai Khan, born Kublai and also known by the temple name Shi-zu, was the fifth Khan of the Mongol Empire, reigning from 1260 to 1294. He also founded the Yuan dynasty in China as a conquest dynasty in 1271, and ruled as the first Yuan emperor until his death in 1294.</em>
The French and ultimately the Indians lost. The French lost Quebec and Canada to the British. This ended the French support of the Indians which had limited western advancement of the 13 Colonies.
They feared that white audiences would not pay to watch African American players.
in 1799 john adams tired to appoint a bunch of federalist judge
one of this people is william marbury
marbury sues jefferson gov. of emading his judges appointment.
supreme court will decide if the appoinnentz is vaild.
court ruled that murburry appoinnet was not vaild becasue it conflicted with contitution
james maddison become new president war of 1812
The king Charles well he gave the land too 8 men, then the north and not only north but south became colonies