is it called a rim latch lock?
17 lbs
At another weigh-in, a nutritionist said that he gained 17 pounds (7.7 kg) in 12 days. Spurlock's then-girl friend, Alexandra Jamieson, attests to the fact that Spurlock lost much of his energy and sex drive during his experiment.
I will try to lay emphasis on the most important ones, as there may be hundreds if not thousands of other traits that could be jotted down in this respect.
1. Intellectual aspects: We perceive in unique way. If an event is asked to be described, no two accounts will have same wordings and way of description, yet the observation will be an accepted commonality.
2. Feelings based on observations: All of us have different ways to feel.
3. Feelings based on thoughts: Likewise, we do that in different ways.
4. Reactions: We respond and react in different ways, some are oddly.
5. Plans: We have different ways and approaches to planning.
6. Prioritize: Our priorities and giving weight to them may vary.
7. Reliance: Our weights on different factors may not be same.
8. Risk perception: We may not have same risk assessment.
9. Emotions: We all exude emotions uniquely, although with some generality.
10. Decisions: Our taking decisions, after wading through uncertainties, a very complex phenomenon, is based on very different patterns of studied through neuroscience.
There can be lot more that could be enlisted; I stop here.
3 should. Be the correct answer
The six risk behaviors that lead to health problems? .
-Tobacco use
- Unhealthy dietary behaviors – Risky behavior that leads to unhealthy diets include not eating the right amounts of fruit or drinking fruit juices, not eating any vegetables, not drinking milk, drinking sugar based drinks such as sodas, not eating breakfast
- Sexual behaviors that lead to unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases : In addition to the behaviors listed above, there are risk factors that contribute to unintentional pregnancies and diseases, such as having intercourse before the age of 13, having multiple partners, not using protection during intercourse, not being tested for HIV, drinking alcohol or using drugs during or before intercourse
-Alcohol or drug use:Risky behaviors regarding alcohol or drug use include having at least one drink during their lifetime, currently drinking on a regular basis, having five or more drinks in a row (binge drinking experiences), trying other drugs such as cocaine, inhalants, heroin, methamphetamines, steroids, or prescription drugs.
Inadequate physical activity – Risky behavior that leads to lack of physical health is not getting enough exercise, which includes the following risk factors: not doing any cardio activity in the last week, not attending Physical Education classes, playing video games or spending time on the computer for 3 or more hours per day, watching television for 3 or more hours per day.
-Behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence