Once a certain interpretation or precedent is set in the Supreme Court, the way the law is interpreted is based on that precedent.
What happened in 1970 Major News Stories include Concorde first supersonic flight, Jumbo Jet goes into service, Isle of Wight Festival, Chicago Seven found guilty, Aswan High Dam completed, US and the UK lowers the voting age to 18, 100,000 demonstrate in Washington DC against the Vietnam War, First Earth Day, Beatles disband.
The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. This attack was unknown. No one but the attackers had any idea that this was going to happen so it was impossible to prevent. They didn’t have enough security to protect us against it.
C. Christian
During the Middle Ages, Europe was largely under the command of the Christian Church. The Church had very big power, political, social, economic, and it used it in its advantage in order to control pretty much everything on the continent where it had its power. This unfortunately led to the Middle Ages to become Dark Ages, as the Church was only interested about promoting what was in its interest in order to be more powerful, and it was using very violent methods if someone tried to oppose it. During this period, Europe regressed significantly, and the continent was largely isolated from any new inventions, technologies, scientific progress etc.