James L. Haven and Charles Hettrich in patented the first yo-yo in 1866 (U.S. Patent 59,745 ), under the name whirligig. The toy that is now known as the Yo-Yo originally was known as the whirligig in the United States.
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C) The Constitution asserts that all men are created equal and have natural rights.
The correct answer is - c. It helped a few African colonies gain independence from their rulers.
The Pan-African Congress was taking place with the purpose of making Africa a free continent, to help the Africans have their own nations, to be free, to have their rights respected. The goal of the Pan-African Congress started to become reality after 1945. Initially few countries gained independence, without bloodshed, with the Pan-African Congress being very influential in that process, which made the organization a reputation as a peacemaker and peacekeeping organization. That initial gain of independence of some countries in Africa was followed by a chain reaction, where one by one, all of the countries in Africa gained independence.