Evans was put in the Oxford Prison at Carfax for his criminal records including the three jail breaks that he had successfully committed.
My best isn't good enough and it's the education that makes me want to give up.
3 is personification because the leaves are talking. 4 is a simile because it is comparing something using as
One way to vary the syntax of the text is to combine sentences since, in this way, your structures will be longer and more complex to follow. This could be done by means of links such as: however, in addition, therefore, etc. When using these words, you create semantic relations between the syntactic structures and make the reading process more difficult because, as I've I said, sentences become longer and therefore the reader has to keep more information in mind to follow the train of thought.
You could also vary the syntax by adding phrases or clauses. This option is similar to the previous one since it also refers to the complexity of the syntactic structures of the text.
They would use Bible scripture and twist the words around so they made it seem that slavery was alright.