They were included in order to provide an alternate body to the deceased should their mummified body were to perish.
The Ancient Egyptians believed that the journey to the afterlife was a long and perilous one. In order to help the deceased on this journey, they included all sorts of items to be buried with them. The statues of the deceased were made because the fleshy body, although very carefully preserved, could still perish and the stone statue could be used as a replacement.
In the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution.
The Enlightenment appears as a need to deny the divine right of the king, so the first option offered is excluded. As such, it propagated science, democracy, social justice, a democratic government, against the absolute and ecclesiastical dogma, which includes the secularist attitude and the understanding of the world on the basis of it. By advocating a democratic government that is overthrown by the majority if it is not for the benefit of the people, it means examining and confirming the natural rights that people possess. The Enlightenment does not adopt anything without questioning, examining and scientific approach, which excludes the fourth option, while it is very much concerned with the examination of authority, since the emphasis is on the law of nature, the natural law of the authority is always examined.
The correct options are B. C. and E.
1.-A reform movement is a type of social movement that aims to bring a social or also a political system closer to the community's ideal.
5.- Establishing the underground railroad.
A man who leads religious services is sometimes called a clergyman and a woman who leads religious services is sometimes called a clergywoman.