If Sing songs company owns 10% of the music industry, then this means that ten percent represents this company's total amount of investment at the moment--through either solid or liquid holdings such as stock options.
I’m sorry but what do you need help with?
High tariffs caused other nations to place taxes on US farm products which lost them sales and caused the prices to go down but industry benefited because of the low prices and the high tariff, therefore the Wall Street benefited again.
I would focus on how one of the empires lasted for nearly 2 millennia (if you count Byzantium as Rome), and how the other fell apart very soon after the empire’s namesake “Alexander” perished.
Enclosure is also considered one of the causes of the Agricultural Revolution. Enclosed land was under control of the farmer, who was free to adopt better farming practices. Following enclosure, crop yields and livestock output increased while at the same time productivity increased enough to create a surplus of labor.