Answer is in the explanation.
In grammatically correct sentences, subject and verb must agree in person (first, second, third) and in number (singular, plural). The given passage has three disagreements:
1) ...<em>the fate of the diamond were unknown</em>...
Since <em>the fate</em> is third-person singular it needs to be followed by a verb <em>was
2) <em>neither men or conflict have dimmed...
It is a general rule that when we have a neither/nor (either/or) construction, the verb agrees with the closest subject ( in this case<em> the conflict</em>) which is in the third person singular, so it needs to be followed by the verb<em> has</em>
3) ... <em>the twin eighty-year-old brothers suggests.</em>..
The subject here is<em> the twin brothers</em> (they) which is third person plural, so the following verb must be <em>suggest</em>
"She wants to go outside and walk the dog." Jesse said.
Cyberbullying has been a non-stop negative impact for individuals on social media. It has become a bigger issue than physical bullying. From the endless amount apps and sites ------ and --------, people can say pretty much anything they want without even leaving the house. Cyberbullying has ruined young individuals lives, from harassments, insults, threats, and just mean thing in general have ruined thousands, to the point of self-harm and sadly ending their lives.