+ discriminant => 2 real, unequal roots
0 discriminant => 2 real, equal roots
- discriminant => 2 imaginary or complex roots which are conjugates
Here the discriminant is -16. How many real number solutions does this equation have? Think before you make your choice!
Part A: subtract 30 from both sides to get -vp<45. Then divide both sides by -v and flip the signs to get p>45/-v
Part B: subtract 3w from both sides to get -6r=30. Then divide -6 by both sides to get 3w/-6-5=r
Correct Question: Find the simplified product: 

Step-by-step explanation:
Based on the rules of radicals, since
has the same index (square root), therefore:

To simplify this, multiply their bases together, and add their exponents.

Simplify further

Step-by-step explanation:
2/3 lost is 1/3 kept
2/3 of the 1/3 kept is 2/9 lost
1/3 x - 2/9 x = 4
3/9 x - 2/9 x = 4
1/9 x = 4
x = 36
First she lost 2/3 of 36, which is 24. She had 12 left. Then she lost 2/3 of 12 which is 8. She had 4 left.