The work has several instances of Winston's curiosity and desire for the past. In light of Oceania's control of the present via modifying its history, Winston's fixation with the past makes sense. Winston often reminisces about his youth, particularly about his mother and younger sister, throughout the book.
Please use your words to avoid plagiarism. :)
What I would do is explore the city I live in more and go to a carnival and watch the sunset while on a ferris wheel. I would also realize how good to feel to be around people, but also how it truly feels being alone even if its for only 24 hours.
It foreshadow that ceaser will be killed by his friends because they thought that he has absolute power and they will put there hands in his blood as a sin of victory
The art of fiction is using the creators imagination or in other words the story isnt real...But in nonfiction the events in the story are real and occurred
When you analyze a piece of fiction you pick out specific pieces that have meaning or you can find the meaning to. Analyzing will consist of highlighting and marking in the margin. When you analyze you should also write down words you do not understand so you can look them up later. You should keep note of the character and places the author creates, especially if it is made up. When you do this it is easier to track the story line. Analyzing is overall very important to keep you mind in the right place while reading a fictional story.