D. Inconsiderate. Past girlfriends had previously called him "insensitive" which means that his word/actions can also be considered as a lack of sensitiveness or understanding.
A cocktail is a alcoholic beverage bearing at least one alcoholic ingredient.
A mocktail is completely alcohol-free yet should nonetheless taste and be as pleasurable as a standard drink that contains alcohol. Although it is termed a "mock"-tail, nothing is being "mocked" by the moniker. This is merely a popular and catchy name for a non-alcoholic beverage. Mocktails provide several excellent choices for folks who don't want to become intoxicated at work gatherings, are designated drivers, are allergic to alcohol, are on specific medicines, are on low-calorie diets, etc. to have fun without really ingesting alcohol.
Henry James was the first writer to mention the difference in a greater extent. According to his writings, American style writing is rich with moral innosence, spontaneity, sincerity, honesty, naturality respectively versus European moral experience, rituality, dishonesty and artificiality. The qualities cannot be seen exactly in every European or American novel, however the qualities boil down to the final virtue in the form of honesty vs evil.
If this is a caffeine stimulant then definitely not, but even so it takes time to settle. So you still wouldn't fall asleep immediately.