identity achievement
Identity achievement is the life phase where a person has fully come to develop a "genuine aura of self." Coming to this phase in life depends on one self-exploration and an examination of the choices that are present to make in life, it could varies from traveling, taking up a number of jobs, or higher education as the case study of Vivian pinpoints to.
This phase is often not attained unto a particular time in adulthood when a person develops a certain level of experiences at one point or the other in life. This is often noted when an adult may decide to undertake a whole and peculiar changes that will affects their lives or careers as its seen in our case study o Vivian.
It could be in the form of a businessman who comes up with the idea of undertaking religious vocations or a particular person that drops a lucrative job opportunity to advance in art or a something not up to the job opportunity in times of payment structure (but has a higher level of personally satisfying) employment.
When the cup is filled with water, the penny disappears. This happens because of refraction. When light bounces off of an object, it reaches our eyes and we see the object. As light travels through the sides of the glass and the water, it's refracted and never reaches our eyes, which makes the penny seems to disappear.
When the cup is filled with water, the penny disappears.
Im not in your class so i attend "Last lesson" so ill just write some getters lol.
"Imagine, there was a giant salamander in your room, ..."
"Suddenly there was a jellyfish! But you didnt seem frightened..."
"Sauropods are one of the most majestic creatures, or should I say, <em>were... </em>"