Après l’intervention militaire française, britannique et israélienne vers le canal de Suez, Gamal Abdel Nasser, le président égyptien, décréta le 22 novembre 1956 l’expulsion de tous les ressortissants français et britanniques résidant en Égypte, en grande partie issus de la communauté juive du pays. Accusant les Juifs d’être des sionistes et des ennemis de l’État égyptien, Nasser entreprit de dénaturaliser ceux d’entre eux qui avaient obtenu la nationalité égyptienne après le 1er janvier 1900 [1]. Ainsi, les ressortissants français et britanniques, de même que les Juifs égyptiens et apatrides furent-ils poussés hors du pays. La communauté juive, toutes nationalités confondues, était alors estimée à 70 000 personnes, dont 7 000 Français et un peu moins de 6 000 Britanniques. La campagne de répression fut d’une telle intensité qu’il ne restait plus que 7 000 Juifs en Égypte en 1961 [2].
The founder of the Songhai empire is Askia Muhammad. The answer is letter B. He extended their empire up to the Sunni Ali. He promoted commerce and increased the influence of Islam politically by appointing the Islamic leaders to the government.
the rail road
Meso-America and the Andes were the two habitats of progress in America.
Meso-American human advancements had paper and a pictorial content from a beginning phase.
In Meso-America the Maya human advancement gained the best ground in science and innovation. Among its advancements were the position-esteem number framework with nothing, the improvement of the most exact known calendar,the development of elastic and the corbelled curve.
The Aztec entered the locale as hero travelers and absorbed a large part of the current human advancements. They set up a government funded educational system and proceeded with the Maya convention of galactic perception.
In the Andean locale the Inca set up a domain that came to from Ecuador to Santiago de Chile.
The strength of the Inca domain was thoughtful designing (street and scaffold development), social administration and plant development.
The locale of the South Pacific isn't helpful for the improvement of civic establishments. Science in the South Pacific was confined to route across the high oceans, in which the islanders dominated.
The Continental Congress commissioned George Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on June 19, 1775. Washington was selected over other candidates such as John Hancock based on his previous military experience and the hope that a leader from Virginia could help unite the colonies.