A wave of destruction, looting and incendiaries [fires] unparalleled in Germany since the Thirty Years War and in Europe generally since the Bolshevist revolution, swept over Greater Germany today as National Socialist cohorts took vengeance on Jewish shops, offices and synagogues for the murder by a young Polish Jew of Ernst vom Rath, third secretary of the German Embassy in Paris.
Beginning systematically in the early morning hours in almost every town and city in the country, the wrecking, looting and burning continued all day. Huge but mostly silent crowds looked on and the police confined themselves to regulating traffic and making wholesale arrests of Jews “for their own protection.”
B. Third parties can often times gather enough votes to swing some votes in various elections.
That story is incomplete–by the time Englishmen had begun to establish colonies<span> in earnest, there were plenty of French, Spanish, Dutch and even Russian </span>colonial<span>outposts on the American continent–but the story of those </span>13 colonies<span> (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey</span>
I know its not a because i got it wrong
The market demand curve shows the quantity demanded of the good by all individuals at varying price points. A was the closest to this option.