..... We need the excerpt to answer this
Iambic pentameter is the name given to a line of verse that consists of five iambs (an iamb being one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed, such as "before"). two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.
So pretty much there it consists of five
Before going to the sentence, let's first know the definition of "aquarelle" is that it is a type of watercolor or a painting method that makes use of watercolor that is put in a stencil and used to create different kinds of paintings. So a sentence with aquarelle in a sentence could be, "Jake is such an amazing artist. After I saw the aquarelle painting that Jake did for our living room, I was convinced that he has the makings of a great painter.
The use of child labor in factories and other industries was very common.
This is the best option. The information in the excerpt indicates that child labor was a big enough problem that a committee was formed to speak out for children's rights. The other options seem less likely because if most business owners found child labor unacceptable it wouldn't be wide-spread enough for a committee to be formed. Also, the excerpt does not state that it's an unacceptable alternative to formal education. While the excerpt does mention that reducing the number of hours children are allowed to work would give them time for school, it doesn't say anything about work being a replacement for education. The reasoning for choosing the first option negates the last one. It's either common or rare.