There is 50% chance of the child to be Rh-positive.
<h3>What is Rh factor?</h3>
Some red blood cells have a protein called a Rh factor. Person with this protein are called Rh-positive while those who don't have are called Rh-negative.
<h3>What will be the blood factor of the child?</h3>
When a Rh negative mother and Rh positive father have a child, the child has 50% chance of being Rh-positive. The child may receive the Rh factor from its father.
<h3>What is Rh incompatibility?</h3>
Your Rh factor blood type often doesn't pose a problem. Being Rh-negative during pregnancy, however, can cause issues if your unborn child is Rh-positive. When your blood and that of your child combine, your body will begin to produce antibodies that could harm your child's red blood cells. Your baby can experience other issues, such anemia, as a result of this.
Learn more about Rh factor here:
reproduction is the process which creates new organisms from the existing ones
If you are checking a cell for a zero value and the cell is blank, the test evaluates to true. For example, if you have the following formula in cell A1 =IF(B1=0,"zero","blank") and B1 is blank, the formula returns "zero" and not "blank" as expected.
If the range might contain a blank cell, you should use the ISBLANK function to test for a zero value, as in the following example: =IF(ISBLANK(B2),"blank",IF(B2=0,"zero","other")) Note that the above formula returns "zero" if there is a zero value in the cell, "blank" if the cell is blank, and "other" if anything else is in the cell.
You must always use the ISBLANK formula first before you test for a zero value. Otherwise you will always return a "true" for the zero value, and never get to the test for the ISBLANK formula.
Lay the leaves to be measured on a 1-cm grid and trace their outlines. Count the number of square centimeters. Estimate the area of the partial squares. ... Do not include the area of the stem (petiole) in your calculations.