Lines of latitude measure north-south position between the poles. Lines of latitude are all parallel to each other, thus they are often referred to as parallels.
Lines of longitude, or meridians, run between the North and South Poles. They measure east-west position. The prime meridian is assigned the value of 0 degrees, and runs through Greenwich, England. Meridians to the west of the prime meridian are measured in degrees west and likewise those to the east of the prime meridian are measured to by their number of degrees east.
When silicon atoms bond, then silicates form which are minerals in which such elements as potassium, calcium, magnesium and aluminum combine with the silicon atoms to form minerals like feldspars of different types or if it is just silicon and oxygen that bond then it forms quartz.
The region with the most rainfall is A, Costal plains
Topographic maps are map that show elevation through lines. When a slop is steep, the lines on a topographic map will be closer together.
The answer would be all of the above