Webster though that he had been a rather extreme advocate of the state’ right on the begging of his forty years in public life
Many european nations and america desired to expand their "spheres of influence" and control parts of China for their own 'empire', which enables the nations to get more resources and other 'exotic' things that they do not have in their native lands.
How many People were involved in the stained glass procedure, and who were they....
There were 4 including the following
Designer, Glassblower, Artisan, and Painter.
To exercise freedom of their Christian faith.
England was one of the major Europeans that seek to colonize the New World otherwise known as America. Others include Spain, France, and the Netherlands.
However, originally the purpose of each of the European settlers was different. England or English people on one hand was initially seeking "to exercise freedom of their Christian faith."
This led to two groups coming from England known as Puritans and Pilgrims that settle down in North America.