Difficult times can make someone lie.
In the story 'Condensed Milk', the author tries to communicate the idea that it is alright to lie when someone has bad intentions towards you. Though no specific phrase mentions this idea, we can understand through the whole story that the author did what was best for him which was by lying to Shestakov that he would go along with him if he bring him food. It was such a difficult time for him that he had to lie just to get some food.
The lines " 'You know,’ I said, carefully licking the spoon, ‘I changed my mind. Go without me.’" and "I mean, after all, two cans of condensed milk aren’t such a big deal." presents the idea that he lied to him because the escape plan was devised and he just wanted some food.
We all are loved by a creator. But the question is; do we HAVE a creator? Pr are we just ppl that can't tell the difference? Well we do. God loves us all equally. And it does not matter t him that we are rich or poor or if we are in between. WE are loved equally and we are equal, no matter the color of our skin
A sapphic stanza consists of three lines in which each line has two fewer syllables than the previous one.
Combine sentences to remove unnecessary repetition and add variety to the length and types of sentences.
They keep saying "They sell" too much. That is a form of repitition.