The demonstration in your text that asks you to visualize scenes such as an office, a department store clothing section, a lion,
and a microscope often results in more details in the scene of the office or department store than the scene with the lion or microscope. The latter two tend to have fewer details because most individuals from modern society have less knowledge of _____ in those scenes.
Semantic regularities can be defined as attributes associated with the functions or events carried out in different types of scenes. In this case we are more familiar with what happens at office, a department store clothing section than in a the scene with the lion or microscope because office and a departmental store forms part of our daily routine while for a lion, you need to make out time to visit a Zoo to experience what they do or visit a lab and use a microscope before you can be able to imagine such scene in your head.
Sing Happy Birthday and thank the parents for sharing the cupcakes, but respectfully decline and remind them of the BACB ethical code, which does not allow any giving or receiving of gifts of any kind.