You can become a graphic designer by majoring in advertising art or digital arts or communication/journalism|
5SOS songs could be really good for edits and Machine Gun Kelly songs.
The correct answer is C
This painting is by Mary Cassat. She chose to use oil paints. When Cassat chose to use oil paints, she most likely considered that oil paints are slow drying which can make them difficult to work with, but also allow mixing and blending of colors to create various affects. She would have also considered that oil paints are long-lasting and retain their vibrancy over time.
Explain how the picture on the right has more defined facial features bacause of the bold lines and the use of straight edged shapes used, Then explain how the picture on the left uses soft colours and blending to create facial features. The picture on the left also uses little to no lines while the picture on the right is purely lines
A-day in which he was sleeping,
R-aindrops kiss the earth whispering,
C-ertainty, misleading,
H-appiness is love, nothing.
I-am reactive time, I went with him rotting,
T-alk much to say nothing,
E-nough for the dying,
C-aressing each stanza, born of spring.
aressing each stanza, born of spring.
T-ears saying,
U-ndo the fog of waiting,
R-avaging nature without naming,
E-aten in peace and sibling.