The Seven Years’ War, a global conflict known in America as the French and Indian War, ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by France, Great Britain, and Spain.
The north of the U.S. was considered to be more advanced because they had a lot better technology and they were more on the industry side, where as the south did agriculture
Mexican Cession. Mexican Cession lands were captured in the Mexican–American War in 1846–48, and ceded by Mexico in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, where Mexico agreed to the present Mexico–United States border except for the later Gadsden Purchase.
Before that, they were not allowed to ratify treaties and make permanent alliances.
Since world war ii, GATT has brought together a wide range of nations for regular negotiations designed to reduce barriers to trade. <span> The </span>GATT<span> was a trade treaty implemented to boost economic recovery.</span><span> The primary purpose of </span>GATT<span> was to increase international trade. Hope this answers the question.</span>