They're not coming to take over our home land they're just looking for new opportunities that their homeland did not provide
Which is the distance between points A and B?
The French revolution and Napoleonic wars diverted attention of Spain from its colonies leaving a vacuum and increasing dissatisfaction and desire for local government.
The Mexican War of Independence took place in different regions of the Spanish colony of New Spain in several distinct phases. Mexican war was started to end the Spanish rule in Mexico.
The Mexican War was led by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. Creole priest invited the Mexicans to fight for independence. French revolution and Napoleonic wars affected the fight for Mexican War of Independence.
The Napoleonic Wars led by Napoleon was the major battle opposing the French Empire and its allies.
Can you at least tell me what treaty we are talking about right now?
The Treaty of Alliance or Franco-American Treaty was a defensive alliance between France and the United States of America, formed in the midst of the American Revolutionary War, which promised mutual military support in case fighting should break out between French and British forces,