The organism is bacteria because it performs photosynthesis and can propel itself with flagella. It is not an animal because it can photosynthesize and it is not a plant because it has flagella like bacteria does.
Hurricanes are not an example of density dependent limiting factors!
There is 10% of total energy in each increasing trophic level. 10,000 / 10 = 1,000 ,so there are 1,000 units of energy in trophic level 2.
1,000 / 10 = 100, so there are 100 units of energy in trophic level 3.
1,000 + 100 units of combined energy would be 1,100 units of energy.
Hope this helps!
So that it can protect exposed tissue, a layer of meristematic cells, cork cambium, or phellogen rises from the cortex.
Water is H2O, two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom. ... Then, the hydrogen and oxygen can be stored and eventually burned together in a rocket engine to provide thrust for the mission. That is the kind of fuel used by the Space Shuttle's main engines.